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Registration Terms & Conditions

Thank You For Choosing To Join Youbaby Million Sdn Bhd Company Under The YOUBABY Branding

Distributor hereby agrees that:

  • The Distributor agrees to be appointed as a Distributor who markets and sells a range of baby products under the Youbaby brand.

  1. HQ Responsibilities
  2. HQ will provide the Distributor with the following for the duration of this agreement:

    • Provide marketing support services, branding in Online or Offline medium (if any).
    • Provide marketing and sales strategy coaching services through classes, small group coaching and support services in Whatsapp Group.
    • Maintain product quality, hygiene and safety.
    • Provide sufficient stock according to the agreed payment amount.
  3. Distributor Responsibilities
  4. The distributor shall be responsible to the HQ as follows:

    • The Distributor shall sell and/or market the Products and/or also market to the local market online and/or by any effective and/or up-to-date means of sale and/or marketing permitted by HQ.
    • The Distributor shall also ensure and/or shall not at all material times remove the price tag, 'barcode' as printed and/or printed and/or not remove the hologram sticker that has been affixed on the Product box.
    • The Distributor must also sell the Products at a price set by HQ and must not at all times materially sell at wholesale prices and/or low prices other than those set and/or authorized by HQ.
    • Distributors also do not commit acts that damage the reputation of HQ and its products such as tarnishing the image of other agents, tarnishing the image of other products and other negative acts.
    • Distributors will also report by providing clear evidence if there is misconduct by other agents through the correct channel that is contacting the HQ.
    • Distributors are not allowed to use the HQ or OFFICIAL name for any online marketing medium such as on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or 'offline' to avoid confusing customers.
    • If it is found that any Distributor sells at a cheaper price without the permission of HQ, the Distributor is deemed to have violated this agreement and HQ reserves the right to take legal action in accordance with the Contracts Act 1950 and other applicable laws in Malaysia and fines of RM 50,000.00 will be charged.
  5. Return of goods or Stock
    • Returns of goods are only allowed for goods damaged due to manufacturing only. Goods or stock damaged due to courier delivery will not be replaced by HQ.
    • Distributors are required to return damaged items along with a copy of the purchase receipt as proof.
  6. Termination
  7. HQ reserves the right to terminate the contract with the Distributor if:

    • Distributors do not purchase stock from HQ or upline for THREE (3) consecutive MONTHS or are assessed by HQ is no longer able to carry out its duties as a Distributor.
    • The Distributor has breached any of the terms of this Agreement, HQ reserves the right and/or shall at any time even less than one (1) year from the date of the agreement to terminate this Agreement by giving Notice within seven (7 ) days to the Distributor and the Distributor ceases to be a Distributor to HQ. HQ also reserves the right to take legal action and/or claim damages from the Distributor.
    • The Distributor may at any time cancel and/or terminate this Agreement and/or cease to be the Distributor by giving written Notice within thirty (30) days to the Company after one (1) year from the date of this Agreement.
    • The Distributor after canceling and/or terminating and/or ceasing to be a Distributor shall cease from selling and/or promoting the products produced by the HQ.
    • This Agreement may be renewed and/or re-entered by the Distributor even upon termination and/or termination thereof with the permission of HQ and/or the discretion of both parties.
  8. Ownership
    • All materials in the form of posters, testimonials, videos, "copywriting" whether in writing, photographs, advertising and media made and/or used by the Distributor while still active as a Distributor to the HQ is the property of the HQ. HQ reserves the right to use all materials in the form of posters, testimonials, videos, "copywriting" for the purpose of advertising, promotion and marketing belonging to the Distributor if the Distributor no longer sells and/or becomes an authorized Distributor of HQ without the need to obtain the permission of the Distributor.
    • HQ also reserves the right to give reasonable permission to other Distributors to use materials belonging to Distributors who no longer sell and/or become authorized Distributors to HQ.
    • HQ will also not be responsible or have liability against any Distributor who knowingly uses any form of name that may cause confusion to other product brands, for example the same website domain as another brand, or use another brand name that has been registered under Myipo or use other brand logos so as to cause confusion as stipulated in the Trademark Act.
    • Distributors are liable for any legal action or any action by other parties for the above offenses without involving HQ.
  9. Force Majeure
    • HQ will not be responsible and/or liable for loss of stock as a result of any natural disasters and/or accidents that occur to the Distributor.
  10. Consent
    • I as a distributor agree to the terms and conditions given. I promise to be a Distributor responsible for keeping market prices adjusted. I also agree to be taken action by HQ in the event of a breach of any of the terms in this agreement.